the pirate ship sailed into the harbor of the leading flag waving on the highest post of black with the skull head. Approach the docking entrance which is the main gate to enter this kingdom—said above the gate carved in wood SkullFlag.
Breeze peaking out the window could only swallow. while they were sailing it was the perfect opportunity for the shadow of wings to slowly follow after without being witnessed that the bird was actually following them even though it was a normal Seagull like all the others.
the captain of this ship is certain that there is something fishy about this pirate Seagul just looking at the vessel that is only nothing more than a feather. he has summoned a council to discuss this matter and come up with a resolution for Pirate Seagul's allowance of being around their kind as well as putting up boundaries that are not excepted in the life of piracy.
"the ocean is not really sailing free there is still those that sail particularly parts of the water" the captain tapping his finger on the desk just eyeing the vessel just floating slightly above the water.
Patriot even though could not budge from the cage realized since he has seen the feather, the last person with the feather is the little girl they spot from the shore, she is also on board the ship" Most come up with a plan without disobeying his captain.
the pirate ships all one by one docked at their stationed docks, each vessel built with its own character based on the captain of the ship. the cellar door creaked open. "little one let's go, be sure to not let her out of yalls sight, children can be sneaky" The captain had the feather in his hand made it was secured inside a locked lantern that is supposed to hold light or a fairy instead it was the object captain suspects is Pirate Seagul get about in the ocean. Patriot resting on the captain's right shoulder
the pirate's council set outside under a canopy of palm trees of perfect shelter and look of the ocean behind them.
"they entered the council the feather was taken out of the lantern and placed on the viewing table for debate" Most of the piracy captains could only give the stink eye or state of what in the world it's a feather.
"I understand the look but there is a witness that witnessed this special feather from a vessel to landing in one's hand ".
"Who that be let me guess little trouble maker"
"excuse me I'm not trouble'
"All children are trouble, the captain looks like he's been sailing for decades"
"then pirates of this council why does this object have a special ability when comes to water" he placed the feather in the glass with a little bit of water. The feather did it exactly that floating slightly off the water. where shocked that this captain is correct about this feather is odd, doing something it's normally not supposed to do.
"There are only a few birds that soar the ocean, but captain that you said the pirate's name for messing with our way of plundering is called Pirate Seagul" The only female pirate in the group looked like she wanted to save the poor child from the capture of the captain. looked nicer than most female pirates. making her personality blend with the pirates around her being careful to not unfool them.
Patriot could smirk a smile at the female pirate and Breeze made a look as she recognized the figure. Only Patriot and Breeze had a chance to glance at what Pirate Seagul looks like.
"yes, Pirate Seagul is the name of the once responsible'
"well, pirates always come to rescue the way they sail the ocean, eventually this pirate will come back for it"
"why not we make the center of the council the trapment just keep the feather here and see if the pirate will come to rescue this special feather"
All the pirates love the idea made their shelter in FlagSkull waiting for the boobytrap to work