Anna and Audrey's group back up with Chris and Myleigh at white horse tavern pub
sunrise, not a pirate trace or a single soul
Anna, does that mean the pirates that showed up when it was fog hiding the sun only time they come out.
Audrey maybe that is why we were called to investigate why pirates from the 17th century are roaming around with modern society causing panic when they are supposed to be deceased.
Chris figures out a way to stop the invasion of the pirates
Myleigh, Chris, and I may be found the source
(Chris unzipped her pocket and displayed the ancient artifact hidden beneath the street of Rhode island for a long time right under their noses)
Audrey, what kind of jewelry piece is that
Chris, it is not any jewelry piece it is a pirate medallion
Anna, think this artifact starring the awake pirates
Audrey, what exactly is a pirate medallion
Anna, maybe the perfect to find information before it is dark
Myleigh, maybe the museum, library, or anything that would hold old records
(they began their research in the museum)
Chris found the answer basically blood money used to belong to Cortez of the Aztecs there were about 882 pieces. Pirates want treasure especially if they're already dead to seek the one that we have instead of live pirates.
Myleigh so like the good and bad angels but the bad angels seeking out the deed are pirates
Audrey, that is close enough to it; but I would not call them angels there very boney
Anna, could not hold in laughter; very boney indeed
They all laughed
light started to fade
Myleigh is there anywhere how to rid of the medallion or stop the walking dead
Anna, How many of these are left? if there are this many this could go on for ages.
Fainted voice; 557
Audrey, that sounded ghostly should we find a safer ground to camp?
Myleigh, no because no one is safe with them running around; and no matter how far you go away from this Newport Rhode island. Anyone in the way of the hunt is blood until they have that medallion so we need to play defensive with this against the pirates.
Chris, what if it would end if we let them take it; would it end or something else?
Anna, what a brilliant idea to use it as a diversion to blind the pirates to what we are really giving them the medallion.
Audrey, a track
Myleigh it is the only way to get the dead away from here and somewhere else to scare the heartbeats out!
Fainted Voice: 557
Audrey, that is getting irritating, who said that
(Myleigh screamed out of her life; everyone grabbed Myleigh to calm her heart rate)
Myleigh, Mr. Turner
(the scare was too much Myleigh had to keep holding the grip of her hand near her heart to keep her upright)
(Mr.Turner held Myleighs hand the cold grip relaxed the heart muscle)
(Myleigh refocused)
Myleigh, thank you
Mr.Turner, sorry did to mean to freight
Anna, you are very helpful
Chris, were you the voice that said 557?
Mr.Turner, Yes
All three; Why?
(Myleigh stayed eyeing Mr.turner waiting for an answer)
(to be continued)