Part 3; In the Case of the pirate city
(the girls got a call about one strange city they were done talking to investigate)
Audrey looks like the place should be in a museum
Chris does not know how you would fit it
Anna, this place I heard is a true story
Myleigh guys let's go check that boat over there
Anna, it looks haunted, the fog of the water sure helps prove its haunted
Chris this city was built in the late 17th century
Myleigh how do you know?
Chris says it on the historical plague over here
All they came to is plague buried in the dirt until they cleared it away to read the information of the town therein before starting their quest of investigation Newport of Rhode Island; a lost pirate city
All four looked at one another
Audrey this must be the place the pirates have lived; why would the living cover this up ?
Anna, maybe they only want to remember the good in Rhode Island
Chris, do remember in history class the pirates here actually did good things trying to make sure the people of the places had well shipped during the time of the 17th century when they are having a hard time surviving in the trading industry and then there are pirates started to do the robbing of merchant ships.
Myleigh they should at least remember the pirates that did well for their communities during those rough times like Tav and Paine.
Aubrey, still have to remember the past that is the only way forward to make sure mistakes are not repetitive we will not learn what has been of humans.
Anna what was that
Myleigh, What, the Anna?
Audrey, I heard footprints
Chris, I do not think we are alone here.
Anna, what do you mean?
Myleigh, keep quiet did anyone bring a flashlight?
All3 , No
Anna, we do have ceiling lighting
Myliegh that is not bright enough to see in this
Chris, those footprints do not sound pleasant
Audrey, Chris you might be right about those footprints
Myleigh guys, we might stampede we got pirates coming aboard the vessel
(the girls started to pick up their legs and Myleigh saw the bell on the tower)
Chris, and Myleigh what are you doing giving them a warning
Anna, and Myleigh are on your own for now
Myleigh What? no, do not leave me
(myleigh shouted, one of the pirates heard her from the old tower bell and started to climb the steps)
Myleigh hi take this
(Myleigh blows the horn on the tower and not the bell; the pirate covering his ears due to unbalance falls down the steps)
Myleigh, this is kinda bad right now what am I supposed to use in defense?
(Myleigh saw a rope that goes all the way across to the safe ground area of not pirates she made herself a swing but got stuck in the middle)
Myleigh, aww this is just my karma (one of the pirates started to get on the rope)
(she decided to scoot across with her hands until she made a safe landing on to Mr. Brown's shop and she made her jump onto a man calls himself Mr.Turner)
Mr.Turner, will you get off me
Myleigh, sorry gosh
Mr.Turner, did you have to jump on me?
Myleigh, I did not know you were coming out, do realize there is a war against pirates
Mr.Turner, dunk
Myliegh, thanks
(Mr.Turner was in trouble with one pirate that had a swinging Anker)
Myleigh, Take this (dropped an Iron thick sign and hit the pirate on top of the head)
Mr.Turner, thank you
(Myleigh running back to get with her group)
Chris, Myleigh
Myleigh, hey where are the others (heavy breathing)
Chris, hey what is that
Myleigh, what is what?
Chris inside the street drain it shiny and bronze, like a medallion with a pirate skull in the center.
(Myleigh put on gloves and lifted the drain)
(Chris with her gloves grabbed the medallion and place it in a zip pocket in her jacket where losing it is not an option)
Myleigh this belongs to a Pirate whose last name is Turner (gave her flashbacks to the man she crushed into)
Chris, please do not tell me this tieing to black pearl
Myleigh, might not exactly; we will see where this leads too.
(to be continued)