"Welcome to the friend vacation, my friends"
Everyone had their mouth open in shock and could slowly roll their eyes in his direction.
"Our idea, or your idea"
"not my fault its golf day, so suck it up; we are stuck here for a week"
the group headed for lodging on the luxury golf course
Welcome to the Golf Cabin retreat; this must be the friend group I was told to title these guests from the person who filled out the vacation form. There are rules in this golf retreat at least be dressed well and casual, not have to be formal, just calm.
The perfect day to come to Golfing is a day to celebrate golf also put (he pointed to the poster on the lobby) Frappe day; go to the dining there is frappes on the menu, so not the most simple thing to say "Go wild and enjoy your stay friend group here is your room; please enjoy.
"Go Golf Wild"
"yeah, golf wild, I like."
"thank you for the help; we will enjoy the vacation."
This is the room, which is very spacious for four people.
"enough chit-chatter time to golf."
everyone dressed to kill golf balls
"Hey, we need some fuel to kill golf balls."
"yeah, Frappes"
"no Frappes"
hitting the Golf cabin retreat bar
"how can I help."
"heard that frappes are popular today; we just need for cafe mocha frappes."
"be right out anything to eat as well or just frappes."
"what goes good with frappes."
"do know what goes good with frappes, one of my friends in the group."
"hey, be friendly."
"is there just a normal breakfast; eggs, sausage, hash, and toast"
"yes, we do. This"
"how about breakfast and then kill golf balls? This is all about you."
he's arms crossed "just want to start golfing, but fine breakfast."
"Who said you can control the vacation, let loose and have fun? This was your idea."
They hit out onto the course.
"let kills some balls."
most of them laugh,
"that's is not what a meant"
Their faces were red, and they began the game of killing golf balls.
"Finally, hole seven"!
"That's not the finish line still have seven more to go"!
"It feels like this never-ending."
"need more fuel."
"no, I don't need frappes."
He turned around; it was too late; the other three were consumed and focused on the love of coffee on the bench next to the water.
"Coffee is not that important."
he finished the rest of the course while the others were shocked by his response. They continued enjoying the coffee with the beautiful scenery.