Tiniest of villages all with blue pass the horizon.
Christmas grew more Kerry the closer it arrives.
Rare event maturity of folk in the village is unaware. A spectacular scene of a spark emerges from the sky. Stars do not ever fall they only know to die. In the odds of chances, just a couple of days before Christmas in the smallest of villages a star did fall.
The discovery of the fallen star is located in a young village family. Day and night this family Cares for a farm of Caribou and a vast field of spruce trees. They harvest yearly to prepare for the last week of November heading toward December the prime month for spruce trees to supply large venues that ask especially for the Pines. the spruces that grow on the farm are the only ones that are for the season, no wild spruce outside of their farm is saved from chopping it is against their nation to cut them down unless it is dead or diseased. these large venues supply decorations involving spruce to worldwide markets.
The Youngest members of the household fun time in the coverage of snow. Odd warmness fell from her back as the performing snow angel got up turn around to the exact spot of her snow angel. the whole situation was odd to the mind of the little one. Right where she planted her feet on the snow angel an orange glow made the only sunlight during that night.
"Papa, Papa", immediately ran to catch her father's attention
"Yes, Sealy; what is it"?
Seally point at the orange glow coming from inside the snow. He went to the greenhouse to grab a shovel and gloves and began gently removing the snow making the glow brighter than it appeared. He reaches for the object with the safety of the gloves protecting his hands if the object might have heat. Grabs the object pulls it out and brings it to the surface.
"Papa that is a familiar shape.its looks like a star", in a whisper
"I know honey it is a star bizarre stars do not fall; they normally die but for a very long time"
"uh, Papa, not all them die hear proof the one in your hand"
"How on earth did land in our backyard"?
the family examines the object at the main family table that host the main festivities. Just by looking very closely at the star looks like the material is very delicate. The young family and Seally left the star to rest so it can cool itself down.
"We have early work tomorrow morning"
"Christmas is very near", Seally explained excitedly they head upstairs for the rest of the quiet night with spruce trees and Caribou.
(to be continued)
hope you enjoy the read
thank you